Sunday, 31 July 2011

A Birthday Picnic in the Orchard

It was Tom's birthday on Friday. We celebrated with a picnic in the orchard!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

A Blessing, a Picnic and a Concert!

On Sunday the 17th of July, Rev. Victor Dickinson led a small service to bless Lowick Community Orchard.

We processed around the orchard
Electra sang beautifully

And next, our picnic!
The following concert in St. John the Baptist Church, Lowick, was a great success. Over 100 people filled the church for wonderful performances by recent and present students of of St. Mary’s Music school Edinburgh.

A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who made our event so special and such a success!

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Music for the Orchard

You are invited to a
Musical Performance
in St. John the Baptist Church, Lowick
on Sunday, 17th July at 7 pm

The concert will be preceded by a
Blessing of the Orchard
in Lowick Community Orchard
at 4.30 p.m.

5 talented, award-winning young musicians,
recent and present students of
St. Mary’s Music School, Edinburgh,
will perform  a selection of works
for harp, voice, clarsach
and Northumbrian smallpipes

Tickets: adults £5, children £3
available at the performance or in advance from Hunting Hall
To raise funds on behalf of
Lowick Community Orchard, Lowick in Bloom
and the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain

For further information or tickets, please contact
Tom and Karen Burn, Hunting Hall, Beal
Tel.: 01289 388652            Email:

Our Performers
Top photograph: Electra Lochhead, Clara Hyder and Roberta Burn
Above: Alice Burn and Emily Hoile, finalists in BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Musician of the Year.
Above: (with harp) Roberta Burn