Sunday, 29 June 2014

Ox-eye daisies in June

On a breezy June afternoon the orchard grass is scattered with a flurry ox-eye daisies 

Tom's cut some of the grass with the tractor, but we've left the rest long as it is full of clover and birds foot trefoil

The windbreak of poplars, which we planted along the side of the orchard, is growing well. These trees were purchased using the carbon offsets bought by guests to Hunting Hall's holiday cottages. You can see the farm in the distance.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

New Life in the Orchard

We planted a new quince tree in the orchard this afternoon to replace a sadly deceased walnut tree. Here Tom is making sure the tree roots can be spread out in the (odd shaped) hole I dug.

The tree in place - it's a 'Lescovaka' organic quince sponsored by Wendy. Quince are a very old fruit, a little like pears, but usually have to be cooked to be edible.

These snowdrops were planted by Hospice Care Northumberland a few years ago. They look so pretty in the orchard grass along with a handful of purple crocus from the local Rotary club.

It was great to see the first apple buds just beginning to grow.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


On a rather wet and windy evening we were to be found wassailing in our community orchard. The King and Queen of the Wassail led the proceedings as we sang wassailing songs, blessed the trees and frightened away evil spirits. Afterwards we returned to the Piggery at Hunting Hall to some fantastic entertainment from the Rag Bag Morris dancers. A huge than you to everyone who helped make our evening a success, especially to Andrew and Hannah who stepped into the roles of King and Queen at the last moment.

The King and Queen of the Wassail lead the Procession. The king is carrying the Wassail bowl (or cup) which will hold cider used to sprinkle the trees. This is to encourage a good crop next year.
Andrew, King of the Wassail

Hannah, Queen of the Wassail

The Queen blessing a fruit tree and sprinkling it with cider. Later everyone dipped toast in the cider and hung pieces from each tree to encourage a good crop of fruit in 2014.

Back in the Piggery at Hunting Hall, the musicians are warming up for the Morris dancing to follow.

The Rag Bag Morris Dancers entertaining the Wassailers

The Wassail Queen trying out some morris dancing 

Audience participation. Which way do we go now?