- The Lowick in Bloom ladies and helpers who distributed flyers for the event and have been tremendously supportive.
- The members of Till and Glendale Rotary Club who kindly made tea, participated in the presentation and are looking after our orchard funds.
Many people have expressed an interest in sponsoring a tree and I’m about to place the first order for 25 fruit trees with the nursery. If you would like a particular heritage variety of fruit please let us know quite soon because stocks of some varieties are limited.
Progress so far:
In early August the orchard area was cultivated and power harrowed to create a fine seedbed for the grasses and pollen and nectar rich plants that are to create the floor of the orchard.
I have an allotment in Durham with a plum tree and have apple trees in my garden.
ReplyDeleteI am spending a week nearby in October 2010 and will be looking at your site despite the absence of trees!
Best wishes for your (possibly) unique enterprise!
Alan Purvis