Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Work in the rain

Tom and Tommy have been working in the orchard to build the base for a sheltered seating/gazebo. We want the structure to be in place in time for the Lowick Northumbria in Bloom judging next week, but unfortunately the terrible weather has meant that time is running out. Today, the two men worked for many hours despite a steady drizzle.

Tommy - cheerful even though very wet!

Roberta’s been checking her Blenheim Orange apple tree. Slugs Ugh!
 The wildflower mix in the grass is tremendous, even in the rain!

A huge 'THANK YOU' to Luke Bell who strimmed around all the trees, signs and hedging plants in the orchard. It was a long, time consuming job and it was tremendously kind of Luke to offer so much help.

 John and Dave came to Hunting Hall earlier in the week to help Tom erect the walls of the gazebo.

John behind bars

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